On Monday May 14th, the entire Minibot team came together for their Demo Day. This was an opportunity for the Minibot team members to showcase the work that they did throughout the semester. The Computer Science, Mechanical and Electrical teams all presented information about improvements they had made to the Minibot project throughout the semester.

The CS team showcased their coding skills by demoing their GUI that allows users to control a minibot. The GUI allows an user to add a minibot, choose movements for the robot like “forward” or “backward”, and add code to save to the minibot. The Mechanical team showed off their various new add-ons for the Minibot including a feature that allows the robot to draw as it moves and a lift. The Electrical team also shared the improvements that they had made this year. This included modifications to the way the robot was powered among other things.

All the teams worked super hard to continue and improve Minibot!